Using the Patch Tool in PSCS3
I will be using the patch tool to remove my son's "tattoo" from his cheek!
1. Open up your picture.
2. Select the Patch Tool. In the top tool bar, make sure “source” is checked.
3. Click the mouse button and hold it down while you draw a circle around the area you want “cloned” out. (Normally this can be done in one step, but as the image I want to get rid of is quite large, I’ll be doing this in sections.)
4. The area will now have the marching ants around it.
5. Left click inside the selection and keeping the mouse button held down; drag the image to a “clean” area.
6. {optional} Let go of the mouse and hit Ctrl-D (deselect). If you are doing more than one section, just make your next selection.
7. If needed repeat steps 3 through 6 until you have the picture as you want it.
Here is my completed Image:
You have always been willing to share and help scrappers grow. Thanks for the tutorial.
I have always struggled with the Patch tool! I tried to select too large an area. Now I know the secret! Thanks Amber!
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